10 Effective ways for How to get Blood Stains out of Sheets

Purvi Sharma
10 Min Read

How to get blood stains out of sheets? Is this the concern bothering you lately? Well, you have come to the right place, as I have written this article in order to help you find an answer to the question, ‘How to get blood stains out of sheets?’. Since it is a popularly known fact that accidents can happen anywhere and everywhere, you should always be ready with smart solutions to tackle the damage caused by such accidents. When it comes to the question of how to get blood stains out of sheets, the methods available are varied and simple, but these can be extremely tricky sometimes if you are not following the right kind of advice and correct procedure to follow it.

There can be several reasons for you to search for ‘how to get blood stains out of sheets. Whether it is as minute as a nosebleed or a scratch or something bigger such as a slip-up during that time of the month, there’s no need to worry as you’ll have perfect solutions for your problem. One of the very first things that you should focus on doing when you find blood stains on your sheet is to put it under cold water and scrape off all the excess blood from the sheet. From there, start dabbing the stain with stain remover solutions (never rub as it can actually enlarge the stain) and then wash the sheets, but in case the stain dries before you notice it, then you must look at the following instruments.

10 Effective ways for how to get blood stains out of sheets

How to get blood stains out of sheets

Well, the nasty blood stains can be ridiculous to get rid of, so in order to have a full-fledged plan for how to get blood stains out of sheets, you will need to try out these blood stain removal hacks. These are easy and yet very effective.

1. Lemon juice

  • One of the easiest hacks for how to get blood stains out of sheets is related to a lemon.
  • This might come in handy if you don’t have any chemical or commercial stain remover.
  • Just take some lemon juice and rub it gently over the stain; make sure that you don’t do it aggressively. Rinse the sheets in cold water and repeat the process until you see the stain failing.
  • There is a very unlikely chance that your sheets will be damaged, so you are good to go with this natural hack.

2. Vinegar

  • Another super solution for how to get blood stains out of sheets is this one.
  • Vinegar can actually be extremely helpful when it comes to blood stain removal (in fact, any other stain too), and it is readily available too.
  • Just pour vinegar directly at the stain, rub it gently, and then soak the sheets in cold water, just wash the sheets with detergent and let the magic happen.
  • It is highly effective, and you might not have to repeat the process a lot.

10 Effective ways for how to get blood stains out of sheets

3. Baking soda

  • Another hero to save your day is definitely going to be baking soda.
  • You can pair it up with different other things, such as lemon juice, cornstarch, or toothpaste.
  • Just let the paste (baking soda and other things mentioned in the above point) set in for a couple of hours after applying and rubbing it gently in the first place, and then simply rinse the sheets.
  • The paste is capable of delivering awesome results, and you won’t regret using it.

4. Salt

  • Well, another one of the contenders in the race of saving you from how to get blood stains out of sheets is salt.
  • Here, you can’t use it on its own, so you might need to pair it up with some dish soap.
  • Pour the paste (one spoon of dish soap and 2 spoons salt) directly onto the stain, let it dry, and work its magic; eventually, scrub the stain a little, and at last wash the sheets with cold water.
  • This is an easy method that will work efficiently in almost all the cases.

5. Soda

  • Hard to believe, but this is true; soda actually helps you get blood stains out of sheets.
  • It starts with the carbonated nature of the soda drinks, which makes it a lot easier for the stain to loosen the bond.
  • Further, the process is helped by further chemical reactions, leaving no scope for blood stains to stay.
  • But depending upon the fabric of your sheets, soda can also leave its stains, so better to choose clear ones for this process.

10 Effective ways for how to get blood stains out of sheets

6. Spring

  • Another rarely talked-about solution for how to get blood stains out of sheets is related to Asprin.
  • Yes, you heard that right. Apart from working for your aches, this can actually be really helpful when it comes to removing stains.
  • Just crush 3-4 aspirin tablets, mix them with water, pour it over the stain, and let it dry. Once dried, rinse it with some water and soap, and there you go.
  • You might have to repeat this a couple of times to get perfect results.

7. Bleach

  • You might not want to opt for this one right away, and I know the reason why.
  • You might not want to use this one-colored sheet but thus can actually do a good job when it comes to white sheets.
  • Just take bleach (make it paste, mix it with water or take it in liquid form that is diluted), pour it into the sheets, and let it rest for some time.
  • Just wash away the sheets at last, and there is no chance that the stain will be there.

8. Stain stick

  • There are stain removal sticks present in the market; you can buy them from the local market or just order one from online retailers.
  • These are a quick and harmless solution to all of the stains that are hard to clean otherwise.
  • The correct way to use the stick would be to wet the sheets with cold water, apply the stick to the stain, and wash it after some time (as per the instructions on the stick).
  • There is nothing really difficult about this method, but it might not be that worthy for bigger stains.

10 Effective ways for how to get blood stains out of sheets

9. Hydrogen peroxide

  • One of the best ways to answer the question of how to get blood stains out of sheets is this one.
  • Well, there cannot be a better solution than this if the bloodstain is already dried.
  • Just wet the sheets and put them on the stain, slightly rub the stain, and let it dry. Then, after some time, wash the sheet with some soap, and there you go.
  • Though the solution is easy, you might find some issues finding hydrogen peroxide.

10. Commercial stain removers

  • One of the best and most readily available solutions on the market.
  • It can be slightly expensive, yet you won’t be disappointed to invest in one.
  • The best part is that you get a lot of variety when it comes to commercial stain removers, and you can choose the one that suits you the best.
  • Just follow the instructions present on the bottle, and you are good to go with your sheets.


However, the question of how to get blood stains out of sheets can sometimes be difficult to answer as there are various factors in play such as the material of sheets (fabric), the type of stain (how wide and how old), etc. Hence, I have presented all of these options for you to choose the one that best suits you. You can start with the least harsh one and see if it works; if not, then shift to the other methods given for how to get blood stains out of sheets. Other than the above-listed solutions, meat tenderizer, salt water, ammonia, and contact solution can be other options that you can try. Well, that’s it for this article. I hope this article was able to help you with how to get blood stains out of sheets.

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